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Services  ->  Smart & Safe City Maintenance

Smart & Safe City @ AJEEVI

A smart city is a technologically modern urban area that uses different types of electronic methods and sensors to collect specific data. Information gained from that data is used to manage assets, resources and services efficiently; in return, that data is used to improve operations across the city. This includes data collected from citizens, devices, buildings and assets that is processed and analyzed to monitor and manage traffic and transportation systems, power plants, utilities, water supply networks, waste, Criminal investigations, information systems, schools, libraries, hospitals, and other community services. Smart cities are defined as smart both in the ways in which their governments harness technology as well as in how they monitor, analyze, plan, and govern the city.

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AJEEVI-We Build Sustainable Cities

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Ajeevi Offer “Enterprise IoT Solutions” with in-house R&D, Capability of manufacturing IOT devices.

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Noida 201301, Uttar Pradesh India


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