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Industries->Smart Water

Smart Water @ AJEEVI

In the era of interconnected devices, the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to transform various aspects of our lives. From smart homes to wearable gadgets, IoT is now making waves in an unexpected domain: the world of water. Smart Water, a groundbreaking application of IoT technology, is revolutionizing the way we monitor, manage, and consume water. By integrating sensors, data analytics, and connectivity, Smart Water promises to enhance water quality, promote sustainability, and improve overall water management.

IoT acts as the backbone of Smart Water, enabling seamless communication between devices and systems. By connecting water infrastructure, sensors, and data analytics platforms, IoT empowers stakeholders with real-time insights, facilitating informed decision-making, and resource optimization.

Revolutionizing Urban Living with Smart Water Solutions

IoT technology is being applied in various ways within the realm of Smart Water, offering innovative solutions to address challenges in water management. Here are some key applications of IoT in Smart Water:

    1. Real-time Monitoring and Analytics:
      IoT-enabled sensors and devices continuously monitor water quality, flow rates, pressure levels, and other parameters in real-time. This data is collected and transmitted to data analytics platforms, where it is analyzed to detect anomalies, identify trends, and provide valuable insights for water management and decision-making.

    2. Leak Detection and Prevention:
      IoT-based leak detection systems utilize sensors and algorithms to detect and locate leaks in water distribution networks. By monitoring flow rates, pressure variations, and acoustic patterns, these systems can quickly identify potential leaks, enabling timely repairs and minimizing water loss.

    3. Water Quality Monitoring:
      IoT sensors deployed in water bodies, treatment plants, and distribution networks monitor various water quality parameters. Real-time data on pH levels, turbidity, temperature, and contaminant levels allow for proactive intervention, ensuring the delivery of safe and high-quality water to consumers.

    4. Water Conservation and Efficiency:
      IoT devices, such as smart water meters and flow sensors, enable accurate measurement and monitoring of water consumption. This data empowers consumers to track their usage, identify areas of inefficiency, and adopt water-saving practices. Additionally, IoT-based irrigation systems optimize water usage in agricultural settings by considering weather conditions and plant water requirements.

    5. Predictive Maintenance:
      IoT technology enables predictive maintenance of water infrastructure. By continuously monitoring equipment performance, including pumps, valves, and pipes, IoT devices can detect signs of malfunction or degradation. This allows for proactive maintenance and reduces the risk of sudden failures or disruptions in water supply.

    6. Smart Irrigation:
      IoT-based irrigation systems integrate weather data, soil moisture sensors, and plant water requirements to optimize irrigation schedules. By delivering water precisely when and where it is needed, these systems minimize water waste and ensure efficient irrigation practices.

    7. Water Resource Management:
      IoT facilitates efficient water resource management through data-driven decision-making. By integrating data from various sources, including water usage patterns, climate conditions, and reservoir levels, IoT enables authorities to optimize water allocation, plan for future demand, and implement sustainable water management strategies.

    8. Consumer Engagement and Education:
      IoT technology empowers consumers to actively participate in water conservation efforts. Through user-friendly mobile applications and web portals, individuals can access real-time consumption data, set water usage goals, and receive personalized recommendations for reducing water waste. This fosters awareness, accountability, and behavioral changes towards responsible water consumption.


In conclusion, the implementation of smart water technologies holds immense potential for revolutionizing water management practices. By leveraging IoT devices, advanced sensors, and data analytics, we can achieve real-time monitoring, efficient resource allocation, and effective water conservation strategies. Smart water solutions not only enhance the accuracy of water quality assessment but also enable proactive leak detection, water usage optimization, and improved decision-making. With continued advancements and wider adoption of smart water technologies, we can pave the way for a sustainable and resilient water future. Let us embrace these innovations to ensure the efficient and responsible management of our most precious resource – water.

AJEEVI Contribution

Software & Mobile Apps

Asset Tracking

Safety & Security



Water Billing Management System

RFID Tags / QR Codes

Bio Metrics

GPS Device

Fleet Tracking

Automated Ph Sensors

Vehicle  Tracking System

RFID UHF Reader/ QR Code Reader

Face Recognition

Digital Billboard


Automated Chlorine Sensor

Citizen Grievance Management System



Fuel Sensor

Automated Turbidity Sensor

Attendance Management System


Boom Barrier


Automated Ultrasonic Bulk Flow Meter

Asset Management System


Monitoring Device for Water Management



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Ajeevi Offer “Enterprise IoT Solutions” with in-house R&D, Capability of manufacturing IOT devices.

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Noida 201301, Uttar Pradesh India


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